Thursday, September 30, 2010

2 Weeks Old.

Two weeks old! I just wanted to show everyone how fast I'm growing.
Love to you all,

Thursday, September 23, 2010

1 Week Old.

I'm already a week old. I think Belles is getting used to me. She gives me lots of kisses and tries to play with me even though I'm too little to play. Yesterday I went to doctors to have my circumcision. I didn't even cry...probably because I didn't even know what was happening to me...but that's probably a good thing. Since I was at the doctors yesterday, I can give you my latest stats:
Weight: 6 pounds, 12 ounces (Yes I know, I've lost a little weight since being born. But that happens when you're trying to learn how to eat.)
Length: 19 1/2 inches (Growing up quickly already!)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Meet My Cousin.

Guess what? My cousin Kaden was born 2 days after I was. He heard that I was out and he wanted to come out into the world too! Now we can grow up together and have lots of adventures! (that's fancy talk for 'we'll be getting into lots of trouble together!')

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sister, Sister.

I have two wonderful sisters, Ashley and Isabella. Ashley is much older then me...she's 18 and lives Las Vegas, so I don't get to see her very much. But she gives me lots of lovin' when she does come for a visit. And Isabella is 19 months old and she is everywhere I am. I don't think she likes me too much. She gives me weird looks all the time. I think she secretly wants me to go away. I can only hope that I grow on her and that we become great friends.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


I'm officially here! After nine miserable months (my mommy's words, not mine), I'm here. The labor and delivery went quick and easy (believe it or not, those are my mommy's words too!). Now I'm ready to go home and meet my sisters.

Labor Day!

Well, I finally got my parents on the road and on the way to the hospital. We were just outside of Needles, and I decided I couldn't wait anymore! I wanted out! My mother screamed all the way to Havasu: "I have to push!!". But daddy said she had to wait. But he sure put the pedal to the medal...we drove 90 miles an hour all the way to the hospital, even running red lights! Good thing it was 2 in the morning and no one was on the road. But we finally got to the hospital, and 10 minutes later, I was out! (forget about that epidural should have left sooner!) So at 2:37 am, on September 16, 2010, I made my entrance into this world weighing 7 pounds, 3 ounces and 19" long.

It's time!

12:59 am - Contraction!
1:02 am - Loading the car.1:03 am - Quick, let's take a picture of my mommy's belly (do we really have time for this?)!
1:06 am - Another Contraction! (I'm not messing around here folks!)

I've decided that it's time to come into the world. I know it's a little earlier than planned, but my mommy just won't sit still and relax. She's all over the place...camping a week before my due date, constantly cleaning the house, and running errands all over town. She is really making things uncomfortable for me in these tight quarters that I'm living in. So, I'm letting them know it's time for me to come on out. But my parents are taking their sweet time in getting out of the house and getting to the hospital in Lake Havasu City. And they still need to take my big sister, Isabella to Nana and Papa's house! I suggest they quit messing around and get going!!!!